Pcgen races
Pcgen races

pcgen races

#Pcgen races free

#The AUTO:WEAPONPROF tag is holding a list of weapons that are granted as free weapon proficiencies. #The MONCSKILL tag is used to grant the listed skills as monster class skills. #of them, look in the List File Tag Index under the topic "Bonus tags". #The BONUS tags are a group of similar tags, that grant some form of Bonus to another already existing tag. #The LANGAUTO tag is holding a list of languages that the character automatically gains. #can find them listed under the topic "PRExxx tags". If you are looking into the documentation under List File Tag Index, you #multitude of existing prerequiste tags in PCGen. #The PREALIGN tag is used, so it is required that you have a certain alignment to be able to select this race. #The VISION tag is used to grant the specified vision to the character. #The REACH tag determines the reach of the Race. If only one number is used it is assumed to represent all sides. #rules this tag is used for the Space statistic. For 3.0 rules this tag is used for the Face statistic. #The FACE tag Describes how much space the creature takes up. #The MOVE tag determines the Type and Speed of the different movement types the race has. Size is used in determining to-hit, AC, and affects some skills). (F=Fine, D=Diminutive, T=Tiny, S=Small, M=Medium, L=Large, H=Huge, G=Gargantuan, #The SIZE tag determines the size of the Race. #The STARTFEATS tag grants a number of free feats to the race at first level. It must be the first field on each line, the remaining tags may be of any order. #Xill STARTFEATS:1 SIZE:M MOVE:Walk,40 FACE:5 REACH:5 VISION:Darkvision (60') PREALIGN:2 LANGAUTO:Infernal BONUS:COMBAT|AC|7|TYPE=NaturalArmor BONUS:STAT|STR|4ěONUS:STAT|DEX|6ěONUS:STAT|CON|4ěONUS:STAT|INT|2ěONUS:STAT|WIS|2 MONCSKILL:Balance|Climb|Diplomacy|Escape Artist|Intimidate|Listen|Move Silently|Sense Motive|Spot|Tumble|Use RopeĚUTO:WEAPONPROF|Longbow|Sword (Short)|TYPE.Martial|TYPE.Simple LEGS:2 HANDS:4 NATURALATTACKS:Claw.Piercing.Slashing,*2,1d4|Claw.Piercing.Slashing,*1,1d4 SAB:Implant (Ex) SAB:Improved Grab (Ex) SAB:Paralysis (Ex) SAB:Planewalk (Su) SAB:Spell Resistance (Ex) SR:21 MONSTERCLASS:Outsider:5 RACETYPE:Outsider HITDICEADVANCEMENT:8,15 LEVELADJUSTMENT:4ĜR:6 SOURCEPAGE:MonstersT-Z #To learn the basics of coding a race, you can also visit "Help > Documentation > List Files > LST File Class > Lesson 3-6"

pcgen races

You can find the global tags there as well. #listing of all PCGen tags to the left of the documentation window. Some of the tags used here are global tags. #out how the tags in the races file work. #When Running PCGen, you can select "Help > Documentation > List Files > List File Tag Index > Race File tags" to find Remember not to put the '#' at the start of your own data, as PCGen would see it as a comment only. You may want to remove these comments, if you use this file to set up #Every line that starts with a '#' is a comment. SOURCELONG:My Campaign SOURCESHORT:My SOURCEWEB: SOURCEDATE:2008-01

Pcgen races